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Returning to the website after a decade of absence.

Starter: CursedChild Posted: 8 months ago Views: 790
Lvl 6
I used to spend a lot of time on this website in my younger years, but stopped for reasons I don’t remember. I don’t know, I probably just got bored or something. Now I’m back because I’ve become bored spending my time on the Hub, ya know?

I’d love to contribute more, but I don’t have access to copyright free material to share. Although, I swear I’ve seen many of these pictures and videos on other websites, so I don’t know how far that copyright free policy goes.
Diz-X, azdesertrat, exocet find this awesome.
Lvl 22
Welcome back
Lvl 15
Wtf. same. What brought us back? I got a "20 year anniversary" badge
* This post has been modified : 8 months ago
CursedChild finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
welcome back!