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Puzzled by deletions

Starter: Womenaredivine789 Posted: 4 months ago Views: 1.2K
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Lvl 4
Had two BJ photos approved and live for a day or so but they've suddenly been deleted. Amateur content, not on OF or anywhere else, focused on the woman, no Photoshop.

Any ideas why? Also why approved the. Deleted immediately?
bob4funs1234 finds this awesome.
Lvl 26
I had a similar experience today

My video queue went down by 60. Great work mods for processing that!

48 approved
12 rejected

But only 16 in process to go onto the site. Curious why
bob4funs1234 finds this awesome.
Lvl 76
Originally posted by Womenaredivine789
Had two BJ photos approved and live for a day or so but they've suddenly been deleted. Amateur content, not on OF or anywhere else, focused on the woman, no Photoshop.

Any ideas why? Also why approved the. Deleted immediately?

I can see that I deleted those images - I honestly can't remember the specific reason but I was going through the series queue earlier and there were a lot of duplicate images linked together, so it might have been because of that perhaps.

Did you take these images yourself?
* This post has been modified : 4 months ago
Lvl 76
Originally posted by vbollie
I had a similar experience today

My video queue went down by 60. Great work mods for processing that!

48 approved
12 rejected

But only 16 in process to go onto the site. Curious why

This is a question for one of the video moderators to answer - hriss, garjoc, Diz-X or DEMO.
Lvl 17
What about historic ones that were approved year or so ago?

I have a local copy of photo 3588187 and would like to find it no WBW to link it to 4299336. In the archive have found 3588185 and 3588189 a hole in between.

Moreover my “unblocked” list contains some wholes, which leads me to believe that photos that have been on WBW for more than a few days are also deleted.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by funkykoval69
What about historic ones that were approved year or so ago?

I have a local copy of photo 3588187 and would like to find it no WBW to link it to In the archive have found and a hole in between.

Moreover my “unblocked” list contains some wholes, which leads me to believe that photos that have been on WBW for more than a few days are also deleted.

What's the question here? I'm not sure I understand?
You're asking if some photos can be deleted at any time on WBW? If so, yes they can, if they are found to have been accepted by mistake or if they receive a take down notice, both of which can happen even way after they've been accepted.
bob4funs1234 finds this awesome.
Lvl 11
Lol, there is an on-going, questionable screening of the postable content. I would say, as a person that actually does graphics, and facial aesthetics for part of my profession, 50% of the submitted content that is rejected is done erroneously. Some amazing, real content is being rejected, and the listed reasons are 100% wrong. For instance, 90% of my recent uploaded content, I either took, or personally know the lady who it is of (i.e. she personally sent it to me). Sometimes the reason is listed as " poor quality", which isn't true, or "Model", which isn't true as I often took the photo myself. It's like, if the quality is too good, then it's rejected, if the quality is an older photgraph, or done with a cell phone, then it's rejected. Then there is a huge number of "other" - reasons listed to reject. These are just plan stupid, as they are great pics, and often go with the set - As I frequently upload sets of pics/vids. And, somehow, 4 pics of an obvious set are accepted, and 3 pics of same set of same lady are rejected - when they are obviously taken by the same camera, and by the same person, and often in the same setting - just look at the pics, it's not actually that difficult. I love how you have to use some "goggle focus" program to claim a pic or vid isn't real, when I took the goddamn photo myself - a month ago. Now, I do not use filters when I take a pic, but I'd say 75% of women taking selfies do, so that's tough, as many of the pics are real, but these ladies think filtering is ok - but they still go with the set of unfiltered that I have submitted at the same time (and the filtering usually affects the face more than anything, and that's a questionable attitude for rejecting as most care more about the body). I tend to not upload those pics, but it seems to be more difficult with the passing years to upload "flashing", or "selfie" pics of these ladies without someone rejecting them.

Now, if you need me to photshop the pics to improve your required quality, then you reject and say "photoshopped". This is also stupid, as the lower quality pics are actually more likely to be authentic, and the texting or app screen-shots are never, ever a reason to reject, as they are often legit, but off of snapchat or another program and are real, but the person is just trying to capture a pic that may be lost with time (like Snapchat clearing content). So, the quality of the pics should never, ever be an issue. A viewer can dislike a pic because of quality, but it is not a good reason to accept it's upload - this is a pure stupidity rejection reason. Seriously? It is both aesthetically, and practically pure stupidity to reject a pic, particulary a older pic due to quality. Pure stupidity. Seriously. No excuse, ever. It's for that very reason that ladies keep using filters and we have to photoshop pics before upload - because you have this narrow window of "goldilocks and the three bears" mentality - "this ones too good" vs "this ones just right", and you are failing, as you are currently accepting predominantly model and professional photos because you like the pretty, perfect lighting photo. .

There hundreds of pics and vids on the site I see all the time that are of "onlyfans", and professional vids, many times numerous copies of the same videos/pics, and somehow all of these well-known, professional models were accepted. Actually, seems like the majority of the top submitted pics and vids are "OnlyFans" these day - like the screening people or program can't tell the obvious difference. I could go through and tag them for you if you want. I can many times, even tell you who the model is or what their pornhub, OnlyFans, or whatever call-sign was - and I am not on the porn sites too often, as these are old posts - from 10 years ago. If you can't do a better job at screening the pics/vids, then you should stop bothering to accept any pics/vids, or you should accept them all and let the members sort them out by letting them vote on rating, and other values like "authentic", "amateur", "professional", "photoshopped", "fake", and for god's sake make it easier to add tags. Make it more like Wikipedia to edit and make changes.

Otherwise, I won't be posting any more genuine content. I understand that it is likely an almost impossible job to screen them all, but perhaps you should try letting the members screen and accept - or reject by vote the content that is posted on the site. Right now, it appears you are getting it wrong 50% of the time or more. It's just a really, really poor, overall-strategy for the site. As if you obviously can't see the "big picture" , lol.
lustpunk, darkstar001, tututut1, MCR4 and 1 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 11
As it is, I'm cancelling my premium account. As a site, you are not earning my respect, with any foreseable benefit to me uploading content to help you.
MCR4 finds this awesome.
Lvl 26
100% agree ftrbigman
MCR4 finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
I understand the frustration. Something I have been trying to better over the last couple of months. See my topic about my personal issues. ( )

I am still working on betering the moderation process. It takes time. As I am the only one who runs the site, and moderators to help the moderation process. The coding, the rules, the server maintaince, support emails, technical stuff ect is all up to me. WBW to be honest doesn't make a lot of money (not enough to live from), I run another business too that takes my attention too.

Sometimes these drama things make me just want to "rm -rf /var/www/" and just quit the site in totally. I am tired, depressed, and haven't had vacation or anything in the past 10 years. It is easy to point out mistakes without coming with real solutions. I am gonna rethink if I want to continue with WBW, I am at a point I just want to stop.

Edit: In the past I have asked for help with a lot of stuff, everytime nobody took the time, and complained afterwards.. it's always like this.. and I am tired off it. Maybe I should just pull the plug.
* This post has been modified : 3 months ago
lustpunk finds this awesome.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by ftrbigman
Lol, there is an on-going, questionable screening of the postable content. I would say, as a person that actually does graphics, and facial aesthetics for part of my profession, 50% of the submitted content that is rejected is done erroneously. Some amazing, real content is being rejected, and the listed reasons are 100% wrong. For instance, 90% of my recent uploaded content, I either took, or personally know the lady who it is of (i.e. she personally sent it to me). Sometimes the reason is listed as " poor quality", which isn't true, or "Model", which isn't true as I often took the photo myself. It's like, if the quality is too good, then it's rejected, if the quality is an older photgraph, or done with a cell phone, then it's rejected. Then there is a huge number of "other" - reasons listed to reject.

The majority of your rejected pics are bad quality. And those aren't "on the fence", they are straight up super pixelated or blury. See attached pics, don't forget to open them in a new tab to see the real size and the real fuzziness of them all. They have been rejected by different mods so it's not just a matter of one mod having a too strict opinion.
The other big part are either pics with black bars, or screenshots from phones (we can see the icons and UI). Those aren't allowed.
Finally, a few that are just face selfies or just plain clothes women, that have been rejected as others.
As for "model/pro" the number of pics rejected for that reason in your queue log is : 1 (there may have been others in the past but I can't see those in the queue log so it's not recent).
So I'm not sure where you're taking that "50% rejected for wrong reason" claim from but from your own queue log, that is definitely not the case.

Originally posted by ftrbigman
Otherwise, I won't be posting any more genuine content. I understand that it is likely an almost impossible job to screen them all, but perhaps you should try letting the members screen and accept - or reject by vote the content that is posted on the site. Right now, it appears you are getting it wrong 50% of the time or more. It's just a really, really poor, overall-strategy for the site. As if you obviously can't see the "big picture" , lol.

I do agree with you on your previous paragraph that there is too much pro stuff that goes through. Just yesterday I was trying to tag stuff from the "top" galleries and had to remove more pics than I ended up tagging because it was filled with pro or cropped stuff.

However, I've had experiences with sites that had little to no moderation for content and it was a giant mess. Most of the content was just pro stuff ripped from other sites and that's it. Most of the stuff marked as amateur wasn't and it was filled with reposts too. I don't know the whole internet but I think WBW is quite unique in that regard and if I wanna look for amateur stuff, I'd trust WBW way more than other sites (unless you consider the very old school forums where people would only posts their own pics).

My main advice, if you feel like uploading more is to stop uploading pics with bars and screenshots, and try to remove the most blury pics from your batches. Based on your recent uploads, this should improve your upload rate quite a lot.
If you don't feel like upoading more to the galleries, you can still post on the forums. They have less specific rules.
* This post has been modified : 3 months ago
Lvl 76
Originally posted by ftrbigman
For instance, 90% of my recent uploaded content, I either took, or personally know the lady who it is of (i.e. she personally sent it to me). Sometimes the reason is listed as " poor quality", which isn't true, or "Model", which isn't true as I often took the photo myself.

I'm looking at this from a purely image moderation point of view (as I'm not a video moderator) but I can see the following stats relating to your uploads:

Total images uploaded: 333
Images accepted: 287 (86%)
Images rejected: 46 (14%)

Of those 46 rejections:
- bad quality: 21 (46%)
- other: 12 (26%)
- altered: 12 (26%)
- model/celeb: 1 (2%)

As Omuh has already stated, the bad quality rejections are exactly that – they’re just too grainy/blurry. And they really are. We have no interest in rejecting your images without reason (bearing in mind the moderators have accepted 86% of them already).

The only rejection I don’t agree with is the 1 image rejected for “model/celeb” – I have reinstated this one to your queue.

Originally posted by ftrbigman
It's like, if the quality is too good, then it's rejected, if the quality is an older photgraph, or done with a cell phone, then it's rejected.

It’s more a case of if the quality is really good, it’s more likely to be professional, so they should be checked (and will be rejected if proven to be so). Those that sneak through will be removed eventually when other members report them.

And yes, if the quality is really poor (grainy/blurry/cropped to a tiny square etc), it will generally be rejected. This is subjective, of course, but for the most part I think it keeps the majority of images on this site to a certain degree of quality. If we let every photo through, irrespective of quality, the amount of complaints about “the lack of quality control” and “the standard of images here have dropped” would increase tenfold, so we can’t really win 🤷‍♂️
Lvl 25
I want to understand, please tell me: what the FUCK is the problem? is it
- people uploading the "wrong" things? talking about MANY people uploading MANY wrong things? or is it
- people (very few; too few) not having the time to delete these things, therefore making mistakes?

you don't like the mod's work? go ahead and apply for the mod job.
you don't want to? fine with me - now shut the fuck up!

Originally posted by Diz-X
I am tired, depressed, and haven't had vacation or anything in the past 10 years. It is easy to point out mistakes without coming with real solutions. I am gonna rethink if I want to continue with WBW, I am at a point I just want to stop.

Maybe I should just pull the plug.

would I miss this site? yes!
is it worth ruining your health? hell, no!

take care of yourself, mate. don't let these little whiny fucknuggets ruin your life.
* This post has been modified : 2 months ago
The_Sentinel finds this awesome.
Lvl 33
There are frustrations on many sides and probably mostly unavoidable. As one who tries to contribute pictures and not just be a lurker the frustrations are: Only a THIRD of the amateur pictures I pick out, screen for pro/past posting on WBW, image size, watermark,etc., ever make it onto the site. This includes what I remove and what the mods remove. So there is a lot of work by contributors that isn't seen by viewers of the pictures.

Thanks for the site and the work.
Lvl 3
Pull The Plug
Lvl 3
This site has its core circle of followers that it caters to.
Also, quit allowing your card processing to try and use the billing info at other sites/businesses.
It’s still being investigated. Even if you do delete this post.
Lvl 3
Well we got knocked off the recent page.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by MCR4
This site has its core circle of followers that it caters to.
Also, quit allowing your card processing to try and use the billing info at other sites/businesses.
It’s still being investigated. Even if you do delete this post.

Once more, you're making unsubstantiated allegations. I'm reaching a line where I may considering refunding your membership and removing you from the site for defamation. While I'm tolerant of a lot of nonsense, accusing us or a company we've been working with for two decades of fraud is unacceptable. The investigation into fraud has concluded without any evidence of fraudulent activity nor information reselling.

The previous posts have not been deleted. Here are your posts:
* This post has been modified : 2 months ago
azdesertrat, bob4funs1234 find this awesome.
Lvl 3
Oh they are back!!
Lvl 25
Originally posted by MCR4
Oh they are back!!

They have NEVER been removed.
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