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Opening Up About Personal Struggles and the future of WBW

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 6 months ago Views: 2.1K
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Lvl 76
Originally posted by Diz-X
In recent years, I've faced challenges with depression, panic attacks, health issues, and financial instability. Regrettably, I haven't been at my best for WBW during this time. This isn't a plea for sympathy but rather a step towards openness about my struggles and trying to fix my past mistakes.

Numerous subjects require our attention within both the website and our community, spanning from moderation and site rules to upload guidelines and site features/bug resolution.

× Guidelines: Clearly define community guidelines and rules. Make sure they are easily accessible to all users.
× Moderator Training: Train moderators on the guidelines, communication skills, and handling diverse situations.
× Transparency: Communicate moderation actions transparently, ensuring users understand the reasons behind decisions.
× User Reporting System: Implement a user-friendly reporting system for users to report inappropriate content or behaviour.

Site Rules:
× Clear Documentation: Document site rules in a concise and easily understandable format.
× Regular Updates: Periodically review and update rules to adapt to the evolving needs and challenges of the community.
× Community Input: Solicit feedback from the community when making significant changes to rules to ensure they are fair and well-received.

Upload/Content Rules:
× Content Guidelines: Clearly specify what types of content are allowed and prohibited.
× Copyright Policies: Establish and communicate policies regarding copyrighted material and intellectual property.

Site Features/Bugs:
× Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback system for users to report bugs and suggest features.
× Regular Updates: Keep the site software and features up to date to benefit from security patches and improvements.
× Beta Testing: Introduce new features in beta to a subset of users for testing before a full rollout.

Community Engagement:
× Forums/Community Spaces: Provide spaces for users to discuss and provide feedback.
× Surveys and Polls: Periodically conduct surveys or polls to gather opinions on site changes or improvements.
× Community Events: Organize events or challenges to foster a sense of community and encourage positive interactions.

× Announcements: Regularly communicate updates, changes, and important information through announcements system or in the forums.

I would appreciate your opinion about what should be prioritised, your vision for a different approach, and ask any questions you might have.

With gratitude,


Health & happiness has to come first, everything else will fall into place from this.

One thing you have to realise is that there are many users of this website and, for the most part, they are pretty happy with how things are going - so for what is essentially a one-man operation, you've been doing a pretty decent job so far. Sure, there are aspects that need improving/clarifying, but you can say that about most websites.

And, as someone has already mentioned, you will never please everyone. No matter how much you listen to the members or how many improvements you make, there will always be the select entitled few that will find something to complain about. Sadly this happens in every walk of life but this is why you just need to do what makes YOU happy and go from there. Don't try to please everyone because it's an impossible target, and you will always feel like a failure if this is how high you aim.

Accepting more help and taking suggestions is certainly a good idea, and by working with the wider website community, changes will be made for the better.

But, again, your own personal health and well being should always be at the forefront of your mind. Anything I can do to help with any of the above, just shout.
exocet, vinnybagofdonuts, [Deleted], nok_nok and 3 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 16
I'm sorry you have been having a bad time. The website is phenominal, so be sure of that. YOU are douing a great job as I see it. SB
* This post has been modified : 6 months ago
exocet, Benjoka find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Created a first draft for upload rules here:
babeologist, bob4funs1234 find this awesome.
Lvl 25
The final draft of the upload rules have been created:

Up next would be category guide what content should be placed in what category.
Lvl 8
What about a preamble,such as,
" This is a free service and while we endeavour to publish most photographs, it is the right of the site to reject any photograph that does not comply with the conditions below or for any other reason which may arise."
azdesertrat, bob4funs1234 find this awesome.
Lvl 25
I am actively working on more transparency of our moderation process. I will be working on page with additional statistics on deleted content and the reasons behind mod actions.

Periodically, I will provide updates to the site, with any rule changes that have been implemented, secondly I will add those these updates changes to the site (new features, bug fixes, changes, ect.)
vinnybagofdonuts, sogood find this awesome.
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