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Opening Up About Personal Struggles and the future of WBW

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 6 months ago Views: 2.1K
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Lvl 25
In recent years, I've faced challenges with depression, panic attacks, health issues, and financial instability. Regrettably, I haven't been at my best for WBW during this time. This isn't a plea for sympathy but rather a step towards openness about my struggles and trying to fix my past mistakes.

Numerous subjects require our attention within both the website and our community, spanning from moderation and site rules to upload guidelines and site features/bug resolution.

× Guidelines: Clearly define community guidelines and rules. Make sure they are easily accessible to all users.
× Moderator Training: Train moderators on the guidelines, communication skills, and handling diverse situations.
× Transparency: Communicate moderation actions transparently, ensuring users understand the reasons behind decisions.
× User Reporting System: Implement a user-friendly reporting system for users to report inappropriate content or behaviour.

Site Rules:
× Clear Documentation: Document site rules in a concise and easily understandable format.
× Regular Updates: Periodically review and update rules to adapt to the evolving needs and challenges of the community.
× Community Input: Solicit feedback from the community when making significant changes to rules to ensure they are fair and well-received.

Upload/Content Rules:
× Content Guidelines: Clearly specify what types of content are allowed and prohibited.
× Copyright Policies: Establish and communicate policies regarding copyrighted material and intellectual property.
--> first draft:

Site Features/Bugs:
× Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback system for users to report bugs and suggest features.
× Regular Updates: Keep the site software and features up to date to benefit from security patches and improvements.
× Beta Testing: Introduce new features in beta to a subset of users for testing before a full rollout.

Community Engagement:
× Forums/Community Spaces: Provide spaces for users to discuss and provide feedback.
× Surveys and Polls: Periodically conduct surveys or polls to gather opinions on site changes or improvements.
× Community Events: Organize events or challenges to foster a sense of community and encourage positive interactions.

× Announcements: Regularly communicate updates, changes, and important information through announcements system or in the forums.

I would appreciate your opinion about what should be prioritised, your vision for a different approach, and ask any questions you might have.

With gratitude,

* This post has been modified : 5 months ago
DEMO, Nard187, alpha59, Dogtrack and 21 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 13
Hi Frans - really sorry to hear that - I really hope things are looking up for you.

On the specific questions, I'm not sure that I can be much help - I don't know that much about site admin and what to prioritise - but the very fact you're thinking about it all suggests you're the right man for the job!
Diz-X, Nard187, falcondad, Thickfinger and 4 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 61
I feel for you man. Nobody knows the demons others are fighting every day> I hope things start to go better for you
Nard187, Diz-X, Dogtrack, falcondad and 5 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 33
I truly believe every one should try to be kind because kindness truly matters.
Dogtrack, falcondad, Thickfinger, vinnybagofdonuts and 5 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by vegas365
I feel for you man. Nobody knows the demons others are fighting every day> I hope things start to go better for you

Each person has their own demons, but that shouldn't serve as a justification for disappointing the majority of the community. There are numerous aspects I need to address and improve upon, and I acknowledge that I haven't fulfilled my responsibilities. Many of you have been incredibly supportive and understanding, and I appreciate that greatly.
vegas365, azdesertrat, falcondad, vinnybagofdonuts and 7 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 22
You can't please everyone.
vinnybagofdonuts, AJ100, Snozz_69, Diz-X and 1 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 17
I appreciate the efforts that you give to this site and hope things look up for you soon. The most important part is that you be pleased with yourself. I have been on this site, well, probably too long and have seen it steadily improve. I think that you have already begun with the communication part and that should be an easy one to continue.

Clear explanations of how the site is run, how are moderators chosen, what do they do, do they have guidelines to approve or disapprove images and what are they.

You seem to have a good reporting process by image, but who reviews the reports and are users provided feedback. I could not locate a general feedback reporting button, that may help, so that you do not have to pour through forums or emails. Maybe assign moderators an area to review feedback.

To me site security, is my data safe and are the pictures appropriate by age and/or the section they are in is important.

First and foremost is your well being, take care of yourself first, the rest will fall in line.
realwilo, vinnybagofdonuts, pazuru, CWagstaff and 3 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 27
I think Moderation and Upload/Content Rules must be the priority if for no other reason than risk mitigation. Then, Site Rules, Site Features/Bugs, Community Engagement and Communication.

I think it would be a huge help if you published your backlog (for edits/updates/bugfixes/enhancements or the entire above list) either via github or just a simple list on the site, so members can see the suggestions/bug fixes/etc. that are implemented, in progress, future enhancements, etc. Further, you could record and mark user suggestions as "accepted, added to backlog", "rejected for X reason", or "under consideration" in an adjacent site to the backlog (or a feedback forum enhancement to show status of each request). The current forum format does not provide clarity for either case. The backlog and suggestion tracker would go a long way toward your transparency goal and help set user expectations.
* This post has been modified : 6 months ago
[Deleted], Diz-X find this awesome.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by cubsatl
I appreciate the efforts that you give to this site and hope things look up for you soon. The most important part is that you be pleased with yourself. I have been on this site, well, probably too long and have seen it steadily improve. I think that you have already begun with the communication part and that should be an easy one to continue.

Clear explanations of how the site is run, how are moderators chosen, what do they do, do they have guidelines to approve or disapprove images and what are they.

You seem to have a good reporting process by image, but who reviews the reports and are users provided feedback. I could not locate a general feedback reporting button, that may help, so that you do not have to pour through forums or emails. Maybe assign moderators an area to review feedback.

To me site security, is my data safe and are the pictures appropriate by age and/or the section they are in is important.

First and foremost is your well being, take care of yourself first, the rest will fall in line.

Agree with this. look after you is first Priority, if can assist you with anything, have a little spare time.. message me if i can help .. many users here for support.. this site is the best of any online ever!!!
~ thickfinger~
vegas365, realwilo, azdesertrat, F1098 and 2 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by cubsatl
First and foremost is your well being, take care of yourself first, the rest will fall in line.

pazuru, Andi.d, crazyivan69, Diz-X find this awesome.
Lvl 33
I appreciate you creating and maintaining this site as it has been enjoyable for years and years to me.

Your list is a tall order and I would not expect it to be fulfilled at all times. Many of us here, including myself, are too "needy". Your list seems to be comprehensive to me with the addition of security mentioned above.

Thanks for all you do.
Snozz_69, Diz-X find this awesome.
Lvl 39
takes a lot of courage to open up like you have.. hang in there... you're health and well being is more than all you have to do with this site... take care of yourself first! We'll all be here still
halftimereport, Snozz_69, Diz-X, bob4funs1234 find this awesome.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Andi.d
takes a lot of courage to open up like you have.. hang in there... you're health and well being is more than all you have to do with this site... take care of yourself first! We'll all be here still

I agree with this so much. Perspective is everything.

One thing I like to remember:

Some of the best things in my life have happened AFTER some of the worst things in my life.
Andi.d, vegas365, Snozz_69, F1098 and 1 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 70
We've known each other for a while now Dizzy and all I can wish, like others, is for you to take care.
I've got a bit much on my plate atm to help more than the moderation but whenever I do, I'll try to give some feedback if you still need it
Snozz_69, azdesertrat, bob4funs1234 find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by cubsatl
I appreciate the efforts that you give to this site and hope things look up for you soon. The most important part is that you be pleased with yourself. I have been on this site, well, probably too long and have seen it steadily improve. I think that you have already begun with the communication part and that should be an easy one to continue.

Clear explanations of how the site is run, how are moderators chosen, what do they do, do they have guidelines to approve or disapprove images and what are they.

You seem to have a good reporting process by image, but who reviews the reports and are users provided feedback. I could not locate a general feedback reporting button, that may help, so that you do not have to pour through forums or emails. Maybe assign moderators an area to review feedback.

To me site security, is my data safe and are the pictures appropriate by age and/or the section they are in is important.

First and foremost is your well being, take care of yourself first, the rest will fall in line.

The clear explanation about how things are run and how we choose moderators is real good one.

I personally review the reported content and posts, as I want to make sure everything is done correctly and legally.

As I don't like people harvesting personal data, tracking cookies and a really dislike surveillance, we try to keep data gathering to a minimum. Servers and software are being kept up to date, yeah even in my worst days I always try to do my best on this.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Da_Man_0651
I think Moderation and Upload/Content Rules must be the priority if for no other reason than risk mitigation. Then, Site Rules, Site Features/Bugs, Community Engagement and Communication.

I think it would be a huge help if you published your backlog (for edits/updates/bugfixes/enhancements or the entire above list) either via github or just a simple list on the site, so members can see the suggestions/bug fixes/etc. that are implemented, in progress, future enhancements, etc. Further, you could record and mark user suggestions as "accepted, added to backlog", "rejected for X reason", or "under consideration" in an adjacent site to the backlog (or a feedback forum enhancement to show status of each request). The current forum format does not provide clarity for either case. The backlog and suggestion tracker would go a long way toward your transparency goal and help set user expectations.

Moderation and upload/content rules would be at the top of the list for me too. It will make everything more clear for the community and moderators, it would help with avoid a lot of fustration. secondly it would be easier to add more moderators to the crew as there is documentation and clear rules. One of the reason I didn't assign more new mods is that it would take me very long to explain everything.

There are a lot of things that need to be mapped out, as I lost track of most of them. My planning has been really chaotic and I don't have structure. Mostly because I am trying to keep everything up without a plan or organisation. I am a one man show running the development/management/legal/support/ect.
Da_Man_0651, bob4funs1234 find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by bob4funs1234
I appreciate you creating and maintaining this site as it has been enjoyable for years and years to me.

Your list is a tall order and I would not expect it to be fulfilled at all times. Many of us here, including myself, are too "needy". Your list seems to be comprehensive to me with the addition of security mentioned above.

Thanks for all you do.

Don't think people are too "needy", they see something they enjoying and want it to be the best it an be. So they get passionate about it, and yes sometimes I take it personally because I think I could have done better.
bob4funs1234 finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by hydrahead
I agree with this so much. Perspective is everything.

One thing I like to remember:

Some of the best things in my life have happened AFTER some of the worst things in my life.

I have been on the worst of my life, but I am still falling. Only way to get up is to grow a pair and work hard to get myself back on track.

About my mental and physical health: I have been to multiple doctors, non have solutions or explanations why I have what I have. I hate to be a victum, there are always people who have it worse, and mostly I see myself as a pussy who needs to get over it.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by omuh
We've known each other for a while now Dizzy and all I can wish, like others, is for you to take care.
I've got a bit much on my plate atm to help more than the moderation but whenever I do, I'll try to give some feedback if you still need it

I know my friend, I am already thankful for all you did and have done. Feedback is always welcome, without honest feedback I cannot grow or become a better person.
bob4funs1234 finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
As most sentiment goes towards clear rules and better moderation, I will set my focus on these subjects.

I will start with a concept framework and hopefully the moderators and community can help me fill out the details.
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