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[2024-02-29] Server issues due to Air Conditioning Failure [FIXED]

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 3 months ago Views: 217
Lvl 25
We regret to inform you that our data center is currently experiencing a critical issue with the air conditioning system. As a precautionary measure to prevent potential damage to our hardware, servers will initiated an automatic shutdown when they reach critical tempature.

During this period, we understand the impact on your ability to access services, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Rest assured that our team is closely monitoring the situation, and we will keep you informed of any updates regarding the resolution of the problem.
[Deleted], Cryodome, Wis54603 find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Issues seems to be fixed and everything is working correctly again. Thank you all for your patience!
ladyblue2012, Cryodome, Wis54603 find this awesome.