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What WBW has taught me.

Starter: Samotauss Posted: 12 years ago Views: 3.1K
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Lvl 15
I've been enjoying this site for a number of years, and through the course of my casual browsing, i have come to learn a few things I might not have known otherwise (some things I probably knew already, but this was just to confirm them).

1. Boats = chicks. Yacht or cruiser, anything better than a flat-bottomed tinny will greatly increase your chances of having a topless chick in the vicinity.

2. Chicks with messy rooms = more likely to take photographs of themselves naked.

3. Digital cameras attached to mobile phones = best utilisation of the microchip ever.

4. If your daughter has a camera / phone, regardless of how sweet and innocent she appears to be, she will take photos of herself and send them to a boy. Just hope you never come across them on WBW.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Samotauss

4. If your daughter has a camera / phone, regardless of how sweet and innocent she appears to be, she will take photos of herself and send them to a boy. Just hope you never come across them on WBW.

Dude, I hear ya. My 16 year old has an iPhone. I've tried to drum into her not to send ANYTHING to anyone, or even take shots of herself, cuz you bet your bollocks to a barn dance that shit will end up online somewhere.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by Paddy!


Dude, I hear ya. My 16 year old has an iPhone. I've tried to drum into her not to send ANYTHING to anyone, or even take shots of herself, cuz you bet your bollocks to a barn dance that shit will end up online somewhere.

She wouldn't get approved on WBW anyway, she's underage
Lvl 29
Originally posted by omuh

She wouldn't get approved on WBW anyway, she's underage

Lvl 27
I've learned there will always be that one person that makes me shake my head in disbelief...

Or in WBW's case, a shit ton of them
Lvl 28
I'm going to carry on adding to your list, where sadly these guys failed....opting instead to make a bunch of really bizarre comments about pic modding.

5. Facials are hilarious.

6. About 1 in 1000 people are actually funny or interesting.

7. Girls are steadily getting ..umm? floozier?

8. Demo is a noob.
Lvl 59
9. There's about 10 different comments people make in the galleries. Usually starting with "Nice <bodypart>! <1-3 emotes>"
Lvl 28
10. You should always be at least a little suspicious of the female posters.
Lvl 28
11. Almost everyone that rate theads, rate them because they want them to have a low rating.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

9. There's about 10 different comments people make in the galleries. Usually starting with "Nice <bodypart>! <1-3 emotes>"

That's me. I didn't know anyone actually read that shit.
Lvl 28
12. My dick is bigger than most. Feels good man.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by bustMall


That's me. I didn't know anyone actually read that shit.

The comment mods read all of them. Tedious job, and it makes you appreciate the odd commenters, like falconspy or that chick who goes crazy over the interracial stuff. (Also, lesson 10 applies to 'her' as well)

13. This site is FULL of non-posting leeches.
Lvl 79
14. If a girl you rate 7 on WBW were your real life girlfriend, you'd consider her a 10.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by EricLindros

...or that chick who goes crazy over the interracial stuff.

I find that to be tedious.
Lvl 27
15, Spambots almost always have an overabundance of Coach purses they want to sell you...

16. Honda was/is/and always will be a douche...
Originally posted by Honda_X

10. You should always be at least a little suspicious of the female posters.
u saw my penis?
Lvl 59
Originally posted by hydrahead


I find that to be tedious.

When you've read 100,000 "Nice ass!" comments, you'll know what tedious really is.

Originally posted by hiproof

14. If a girl you rate 7 on WBW were your real life girlfriend, you'd consider her a 10.

17. Lots of people pretend to know what caliber of chicks we date. (I love the comments on gross chicks [a.k.a. pics I rate <5] in the galleries that are like, "Oh, if you saw this girl in real life you'd fuck her in an instant!" No way, bro, but you go ahead and keep thinking I'd date some fat ugly gargoyle.)
Lvl 70
18. Honda is the only one allowed to make awkward jokes.

19. Hundreds of girls don't know the use of a camera timer.

20. Pezman's uploads are the real reason for Amiral Ackbar famous sentence
Lvl 8
Originally posted by omuh

20. Pezman's uploads are the real reason for Amiral Ackbar famous sentence

Lvl 24
Originally posted by EricLindros

17. Lots of people pretend to know what caliber of chicks we date. (I love the comments on gross chicks [a.k.a. pics I rate <5] in the galleries that are like, "Oh, if you saw this girl in real life you'd fuck her in an instant!" No way, bro, but you go ahead and keep thinking I'd date some fat ugly gargoyle.)

My ratio is incredibly low. And in situations, I've turned down handies (and more) cause I found the girl to be less attractive than would be appropriate.
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