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Starter: 4EagleNest20 Posted: 1 year ago Views: 570
Lvl 15
I really don't understand all the hate for body piercings that some members express on this site. I mean, get different strokes for different folks, and we've all got our own little kinks, but I just laugh in bewilderment anytime someone complains about nipples being ruined, etc.
Dennis2377, vegas365, web_jock find this awesome.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by 4EagleNest20
I really don't understand all the hate for body piercings that some members express on this site. I mean, get different strokes for different folks, and we've all got our own little kinks, but I just laugh in bewilderment anytime someone complains about nipples being ruined, etc.

And the tattoos
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by 4EagleNest20
I really don't understand all the hate for body piercings that some members express on this site. I mean, get different strokes for different folks, and we've all got our own little kinks, but I just laugh in bewilderment anytime someone complains about nipples being ruined, etc.

I definitely feel you on that one. Make no mistake about it; body modification is on the rise - be it piercings and/or tattoos. (I love chicks with tats myself!). Trust me, there are a million more things 2 worry about in this World - such as that new War over in Europe, worldwide economic stagnation, the ever-present COVID Pandemic, etc. than 2 be even bothered with body mods and partner preferences.

* This post has been modified : 1 year ago