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How long does it take to upload pictures?

Starter: CursedChild Posted: 8 months ago Views: 378
Lvl 6
I’ve had pictures sitting in the queue log for roughly a week. Is there a step in the process I’m missing?

Sorry, but I don’t know where else to go to find this information.
Lvl 76
Current approx. wait time is 33 days (although I expect it will be a lot shorter than this when I next update the stats thread -

Just for clarity, you have 2 images currently awaiting moderation. The 13 images in your queue log are the ones that have been moderated and rejected (mainly for being professional by the looks of things).
Lvl 6
Originally posted by The_Sentinel
The 13 images in your queue log are the ones that have been moderated and rejected (mainly for being professional by the looks of things).

Well damn. That’s good to know though. Thanks!