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Ford v Ferrari

Starter: Neville_E Posted: 4 years ago Views: 860
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Votes: 6
I am a first-time n00b here, so please forgive me if this post is unacceptable -- but this Forum is about "General Car Discussion", and I don't see any current discussion -- so here is my contribution.
Last night my friends and I saw "Ford v Ferrari", and we all enjoyed it; even our resident crabby movie/car guy liked most of it, even though he called it "formulaic". I stumped him though, when I asked whether he could recognise the station wagon driven by Caitrione Balfe (as Mollie Miles) and he could not. It was a 1963 Ford Country Squire.
The movie exhibited dozens of old cars, worth the price of admission just to see them. I am going to "Add poll" to get the opinion of my fellow car nuts at WBW of the movie, and comments on the cars.
Lvl 4

Rock's take on the movie is funny...

My take:
Loved it.
The cinematography is great. The race screens are cool as shit.
It's an Oscar performance by Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale), he maybe the best actor in show biz now that DDL retired?
* This post has been modified : 4 years ago