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It's time to step down

Starter: DEMO Posted: 11 years ago Views: 229
Lvl 27
After much thought over the past several weeks, I have decided it's time for me to give up my position on the crew.

I promised myself that when this gig became more like a job then a hobby I would give it up, and that has seemed to have happened.

But anyway, Saturday will be the last day I will be on the crew, after that I will still be around, but to what extent, who knows.

It's been fun, and I have enjoyed the experience, and to Diz and the rest of you I wish all the best.

And one last thing, I figured I'd make a thread this time about leaving so that no one thought I just fell off the face of the earth
Lvl 25
If you think I'm gonna take over for you, you're greatly mistaken.

In all seriousness, we're gonna miss you.

 we can talk about him in the Office.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Sugarpie we can talk about him in the Office.

I would expect nothing less

Lvl 70
Ow that sucks
But if WBW is taking too much time for you, that makes sense.

I hope you'll stick around after that though.
Lvl 29
When it is not fun anymore, it`s time to take break and slow down..

I hope that you will find the fun again..
Lvl 22
Demo I'll miss you. Now can I have your hammer
Lvl 59

You did a good job after I stepped down and made you the de facto crew leader while Bangs was still away or whatever, so, you know, thanks for all that. And I know how you feel. Enjoy your freedom.
Lvl 26
Gonna miss you mate, thanks for coming back as crew to help me when i needed you.
Lvl 27
@ Notech - No

@ Punnani - No problem mate

@ EL - Thanks for the song man, I jammed

@ omuh and Julle - I'll be around, and hopefully enjoy again
Lvl 27
And Kanzen, yeah, like that
Lvl 28
Demo, you foul, unpleasant, rabble rousin' SOB, I ain't gonna miss you a bit.

(crying as I write it)

Now lets go do somethin' fun.
Lvl 15
Best of luck Demo

Ps. Can I have your desk?
Lvl 26
Originally posted by retailtherapy73
Best of luck Demo

Ps. Can I have your desk?

With the desk comes the responsibilities, still want it ?
Lvl 17
It's been an honour and a pleasure.

Y'all come back n visit y'hear?
Lvl 18
Been real dude. try and get back to enjoying the hot chicks with your new found freedom. Pictures of boobs are a terrible thing to waste.
Lvl 15
Originally posted by Punnani

With the desk comes the responsibilities, still want it ?

Wait I'm not going to be king of the toilet brush. I don't deserve that title yet
Lvl 79

As you pointed out a while back, we became members within four hours of each other on the same day back in 2006, so I feel a certain kinship. Thanks for your huge contributions, and hope your time as a civilian is enjoyable.
