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May Dah SPAM Be With Yah!

Starter: kayradis Posted: 14 years ago Views: 24.8K
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Lvl 37
Lvl 13
I guess I piss god off a LOT! Hey Meat... you're encouraging the wrath of god whenever we get together. Unless that's just dood but sex, then we're ok. Right? Oh wait, my god doesn't give a shit. YAY!
Lvl 22
I got myself a bicycle and rode 10 miles yesterday

I haven't been on a bike in 15 years, my ass hurts.

I think I'll keep riding this time
Lvl 13
There's a BMX track by my house I've been wanting to try out. Need a new bike, tho.
Lvl 22
Uhmm , pretty sure BMX is out of the question for me

I do hope to ride some scenic trails tho'

BTW, you ever get to try that recipe?
Lvl 59
Anyone wanna read a comic book?
Lvl 22
Not tonight, I've got a headache.
Lvl 59
But it's foreskinman!
Lvl 37
Originally posted by EricLindros

But it's foreskinman!

It's comforting to know that our genital integrity is being protected by a dedicated superhero!
Lvl 59
Lvl 4
EL, I wish I could screw your avy right fucking now!
Lvl 59

Lvl 22
Logged another 5 miles on the bike today.

Lvl 18
Originally posted by NaughtyGypsy

I guess I piss god off a LOT! Hey Meat... you're encouraging the wrath of god whenever we get together. Unless that's just dood but sex, then we're ok. Right? Oh wait, my god doesn't give a shit. YAY!

*nods emphatically*
Lvl 22
I think I may be able to wear this one out

(it's an old bike)
Lvl 28
Lindros is awesome.

Also, supsies?
Lvl 13
Just finished all the unpacking and arranging I intend to do for the day. I have plenty of "stuff" I just have nowhere to PUT the the stuff. End tables, bookcases, shelves, etc. How in the hell I accumulated all this stuff in a single year, I'll never know...
Lvl 22
It's been a year already?

I've found it's best to have a house fire before moving.
Lvl 59
Lvl 22
Sunshine lollipops and rainbows every day
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