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Let's let Mikey do it spam

Starter: Notech_The_Abbot Posted: 13 years ago Views: 16.9K
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Lvl 22
OK, I've got 50 bucks, will that work?
Originally posted by Honda_X

Almost time for the great WBW annual meeting..

You guys prepared?

[ Link ]

[ Link ]

Good stuff!! Read most of the 1st. Looking forward to my first meeting.
Lvl 59
Wow, that's nifty.

Did you guys know that apparently there's a scene in "Black Swan" where Mila Kunis goes down on Natalie Portman?

So, that happened.
Originally posted by EricLindros

Wow, that's nifty.

Did you guys know that apparently there's a scene in "Black Swan" where Mila Kunis goes down on Natalie Portman?

So, that happened.

Lvl 6
Yea el, lesbians have been on this for quite a while now... :P hiii all
Ahhhh...there's my fiance.

How'd it go tonight?
Lvl 59
Yeah, I've known about the movie, and that they make out and do fingery things, I just didn't know that Mila went down on Natalie.
Lol...fingery things.

I'm sure it's going to be "suggested" that she's going down on her...but it's still hot.
Lvl 6
Went fairly well how was the rest of your day?
Uneventful. Basically came home and studied after we talked. The came on here for a bit and somehow agreed to a best avatar contest against Honda. Went to the gym, had diner, studied some I think it's bedtime.
Lvl 22
Not Mila Too?

I'm a sleep on my heartbreak......
Lvl 6
1 more day. I can't wait.

I'm headed to bed too. Up in a few hours :/

Night el, notech, anyone else here?

Xo, fiancé
Lvl 59
Oh, look at the fancy e with the thingy on top.

Yeah, I have to study some more, even though it's like 3 am.
Bedtime....for reals this time.

Goodnight boys, and one lovely lady. (:
Lvl 28
I wish I had gone to the gym.

Also, Mila is out of Portmans league.
Lvl 28
I kinda wanna see The Tourist.
Lvl 28

What the fucking fuck?!
Lvl 28
Lvl 28
Done what?

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