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Where did my photos go?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 7.4K
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Lvl 24
Originally posted by brownell

BTW, you know those 9 movies in your queue? They're not there anymore.

i almost choked on my soda i was drinking while reading that post, fuck me brownell :P
Lvl 17
Originally posted by brownell

Although I'm sure I'm wasting my time, here's a couple more BB's that can rattle around in that space between your ears.

1) Quoting is fairly simply, you just add your new text OUTSIDE the (REPLY) (/REPLY) code

2) There are about 20 people that can approve pics. You do not know who approved that pic, or even whether the mod is still a mod.

BTW, you know those 9 movies in your queue? They're not there anymore.

sorry brownell i know its difficult to count but you mist one still one in my geue! but good try!
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Pimpaliciouszzz


sorry brownell i know its difficult to count but you mist one still one in my geue! but good try!

im not really sure what youre trying to accomplish with posts like this

*waits for brownell to say "oh, oops" and delete the other one*

i mean... seriously?
Lvl 17
so deleting and make fun of it is nice? my reaction on his funtime so don"t blame me!
Lvl 26
Originally posted by Pimpaliciouszzz


sorry brownell i know its difficult to count but you mist one still one in my geue! but good try!

kick him out!
Lvl 26
Originally posted by Pimpaliciouszzz

so deleting and make fun of it is nice? my reaction on his funtime so don"t blame me!

you don't understand. this isn't fun. the movies where pro or bad. nothing to be funny about that
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Pimpaliciouszzz

so deleting and make fun of it is nice? my reaction on his funtime so don"t blame me!

come on now... that joke was funny. you HAD to be able to laugh at that or youre taking some things too seriously.

im pretty sure what brownell was attempting to do, though it may not have been the most polite way of going about it (though it was funny), was to show you that people make mistakes both when uploading AND modding obviously just like you did uploading all of those movies which you had no idea were unacceptable or im sure you would not have uploaded them.

i mean seriously, we're all just doing the best we can. i think everyone needs to tone their shit down a few notches, its not quite the crisis situation everyone is making it out to be. we're discussing the problems, not attacking people.
Lvl 12
"60% of this movie is blank screen and audio static," sounds like 20% of the student films I had to suffer through in art school. Now, if you wanna hear some real bitching and moaning, try to tell one of those film students that their movie sucked!

Actually, that was pretty fun to do, and good revenge for having to sit through an overly long, pointless student film.

Oh, and none of those student films, were worth watching. Even the stuff that came out of the animation department was bad. Imagine a batch of humorless art school cartoonists and their awful animated cartoons....did that give you douche shivers?

Off topic.
Lvl 17
Ofcourse.... ok i'll stop posting messages now!
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Pimpaliciouszzz


sorry brownell i know its difficult to count but you mist one still one in my geue! but good try!

Originally posted by Pimpaliciouszzz
so deleting and make fun of it is nice? my reaction on his funtime so don"t blame me

I know this is hard for you to understand, but I only deleted the 8 that were clearly unacceptable. The other one is poor quality audio and video, so it's roughly equivalent to the pics bluewater posted. It's a judgement call, and I chose not to delete it, which pretty much disproves your previous assertions about mods.
Lvl 17
Ok it's ok i guess! So 9-1 is 8!
Originally posted by brownell

The bottom line is that bluewater has provided sufficient evidence that stupid-head and Pimpaliciouszzz do not have a reasonable understanding of what is/is not acceptable content for the gallery. I'm ready for this to be over.

Completely disagree. Out of ~800 uploads (I'm sure some supermod will show where I'm wrong), I have ~178 successful. I have an average rating of 6.7+ (of course, to be voted down by you wanks when you can't handle honest feedback), and to take 90 pictures in someone's queue and completely wipe them out doesn't encourage them to keep looking for new originals to post.

And I uploaded very few that had watermarks (< 10), and some were professional models (< 50). So because of a ~10% "error" rate, you're going to shit on me and delete my entire queue (which, is the issue from the start... Remember?)

That's cool guys. Enjoy!
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Pimpaliciouszzz


Haha yeah i don't understand it, but my pictures are good enough for the hot or not section.... so they are good enough to show on this site in some way! Tell me why? I know you can give the pictures a bad rate in this way, but they won't put pictures in the hot or not section that are blurry or just not good enough.... so explain that!

Hot or not pictures are the last 1000 pictures that approved on the side. Doesn't have to do with quality. If the picture is approved it will be in the hot or not section.
Lvl 17
Ok dat is tenminste een vriendelijk antwoord ochie en daar leren we tenminste nog wat van....!
Lvl 18

isn't this a Pro girl? i can't remember here name
Lvl 8
Lvl 24
Originally posted by mcguigs38


we've tried that in the past when we felt like the thread was going no where but a pissing contest.... you get a number of really "clever" members to start new threads complaining we're taking away their "freedom of speech" as if that was something we actually guarantee in the terms of service or something
Lvl 12
My favorite thread like this was the one with the person complaining about the pic mods being biased towards Americans.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by 4tookerplace

My favorite thread like this was the one with the person complaining about the pic mods being biased towards Americans.

Like.... DUH.... of course we're Americentric,
I don't know why we even allow non-Americans to post and upload, we just delete it all anyway.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by 4tookerplace

My favorite thread like this was the one with the person complaining about the pic mods being biased towards Americans.

Yeah, that was a good'un.
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