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Where did my photos go?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 7.4K
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Lvl 27
let's recapitulate... I'm a n00b!! **

btw... this thread get's better and better!!

could we close that one now and go on posting those dirty pic's we are here for please??
(uups, the car-fetish-members may excouse me!!)
Lvl 18
Originally posted by brownell


It's not exactly a secret, she pines over you incessantly in the office. Kinda annoying really, that she doesn't just do something about it.

Originally posted by King_Daddy


Well said my man... And so true...

See that's why I'm not a pic mod again. She likes to play hard to get. She must be holding out for some "favors" Oh FeFe why must you treat me like a piece of meat?
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 17
Yeah right i took them myself so nobody can post them smartguy! Post the link where you found them, cause you know's your lying.... the only place is on my computer or the deletedsection of this site cause they are not uploaded! Very funny telling stories....

Originally posted by Tarquin


Actually, I know for a fact pics 2 and 3 are part of a series that was posted here a few weeks ago. They're dupes too, dude.

That first one... I'm not sure why it didn't make it, but I'm glad it didn't.
Originally posted by Pimpaliciouszzz

Yeah right i took them myself so nobody can post them smartguy! Post the link where you found them, cause you know's your lying.... the only place is on my computer or the deletedsection of this site cause they are not uploaded! Very funny telling stories....


lol just shut up already
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Pimpaliciouszzz

Yeah right i took them myself so nobody can post them smartguy! Post the link where you found them, cause you know's your lying.... the only place is on my computer or the deletedsection of this site cause they are not uploaded! Very funny telling stories....


Okay, so in this case, we're both right.

I found several of the pics in this 'series' - I recognized the angle, the tile and the chair of all things.

I rated them not too long ago through the hot or not queue. That said, they were indeed in your uploads so you may very well be telling the truth too. I can't state otherwise at least.

But don't call me a liar. I have a lot of flaws. Integrity is not one of them.
Lvl 11
The bottom line is that bluewater has provided sufficient evidence that stupid-head and Pimpaliciouszzz do not have a reasonable understanding of what is/is not acceptable content for the gallery. I'm ready for this to be over.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by brownell

The bottom line is that bluewater has provided sufficient evidence that stupid-head and Pimpaliciouszzz do not have a reasonable understanding of what is/is not acceptable content for the gallery. I'm ready for this to be over.

Haha yeah i don't understand it, but my pictures are good enough for the hot or not section.... so they are good enough to show on this site in some way! Tell me why? I know you can give the pictures a bad rate in this way, but they won't put pictures in the hot or not section that are blurry or just not good enough.... so explain that!
It does seem to be one of those arguments that is getting nowhere, even though evidence has been brought to the table.
Lvl 16
I also think you have to rememeber - the babes section is not for sets of pictures of the same person -- place those in the forum (or - if you think your pictures are so outstanding -- put them in the forum).

I felt the same way about posts..........frustrated when i see poor quality pictures get through and when i watch my que diminish -- only to get 1 or 2 added to my uploads - but i read these posts and gleam the info/reason for what makes it through and try to make better contributions.

But most of all in this thread - thank you bluewater for examples - that has helped my "mod knowlowdge" alot.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by chase239

I also think you have to rememeber - the babes section is not for sets of pictures of the same person -- place those in the forum (or - if you think your pictures are so outstanding -- put them in the forum).

I felt the same way about posts..........frustrated when i see poor quality pictures get through and when i watch my que diminish -- only to get 1 or 2 added to my uploads - but i read these posts and gleam the info/reason for what makes it through and try to make better contributions.

But most of all in this thread - thank you bluewater for examples - that has helped my "mod knowlowdge" alot.

I agree he gave some good examples... but he accepted the following picture that i uploaded! And i would agree if he rejected this one if a see his other examples... but no this one is ok! I really don't see the differenc.... you have proof and i have proof you close you eyes sometime while accepting/rejecting.... so delete this picture also, cause it's way to blurry! You know i'm right in this one, so why did you accept this one?
Lvl 22
Is there any reason why you cant have 2 levels of pic mods, level two volunteers who are asked to delete watermarked and pro pics only, shrinking the queue for the level one pic mods.

I'm sure if one of the WBW crew put up a post asking for volunteers and explain exactly what it is you want, you'd get 10 people easy who you (WBW) could approve to be level 2 pic mods.

If you never ask, you'll never know.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by tiredeyes

Is there any reason why you cant have 2 levels of pic mods, level two volunteers who are asked to delete watermarked and pro pics only, shrinking the queue for the level one pic mods.

I'm sure if one of the WBW crew put up a post asking for volunteers and explain exactly what it is you want, you'd get 10 people easy who you (WBW) could approve to be level 2 pic mods.

If you never ask, you'll never know.

unfortunately thats a waste of time.

youd have to have mods that did nothing but sort pictures in the queue into 2 different sub queues... one for category one and the other for category two. i could save myself the trouble and just have everyone mod the pics like they are, because if theyre going to be hit a "move" button, they could as easily just hit the "delete" button if theyre going to be sorting all the pro/watermarked pics into another queue.
Lvl 24
i think that people forget that the system is run by people, people who are volunteers contributing their time to the site simply because they want to help out. because the system is run by people and people arent perfect, the system will never be perfect.

we have over the years developed a lot of tools that have helped out a LOT, and we continue to try to improve where we can but unfortunately it boils down to this - in the 4.5 years ive been a picture mod and all of the feedback threads ive ever seen created by members and posted in by members I HAVE NEVER SEEN a suggestion that would actually be a productive and positive change to the way we already mod the pictures. all of those changes and suggestions have come from moderators themselves.

why? because unless youre behind the lines and see exactly the entire process its hard to understand that one small change causes a domino effect of changes that follow it. you have to be able to weigh out if its actually productive in the end, and it NEVER is actually a productive suggestion.

however, if there was a suggestion for a change that did happen to come up in the next 4.5 years that would work... i would surely support it :P

i think that people get the idea that pic mods think our system is perfect and fine.... thats not the case. it has flaws, and we constantly discuss how to make it better. i wish people would learn to be a little patient and understanding with all of the picture mods, because we're members just like you are and we love the site too... we all want everything to work well.
Lvl 22
I really meant go through the whole queue as one entity but only be allowed to delete pro/watermarked as an example of how to control the volunteers actions, so if theres issues like "my personal stash was mass deleted" its only the WBW Crew your looking at, there must be a way of throwing people at it, in order to have the queue sorted down to just a four-figure amount even, you could double the amount of "queue sorters" maybe through volunteers, like a spring clean team.

It's just I've seen this "feedback" lots of times and it doesn't seem to have been addressed as feedback, more like "it's just members moaning".
Lvl 17
Category 1 or 2, both pictures are ''bad'' / ''blurry'' and i understand there are more mods accepting/rejecting but everbody can see those are both blurry so if we can see it why can't he? But there's enough said about it, it's just good to talk about it and get the attention this topic needed.... we learned that:

1) everybody has had pictures that are deleted
2) everybody has a different opinion in what's good and what's not good enoug
3) The accepting/rejecting section is still something that's not fully working (that's no complain, but if i hear some mods here, they agree i think)

Maybe it's a idea if everybody could vote on pictures that are not really good enough (and rejected) but let us vote if they are good enough.... and i don't mean the ''hot or not'' section! Maybe it's a idea, or is somebody already thinking about other ways or is it just something we shouldn't change?
Lvl 12
Originally posted by jhope1

I would just like to point out, at this point, that I was just joking. I see a lot of posts moaning about one thing or another, just thought I'd see what it was like to hop on the bandwagon.

I think enough of us got the joke.
A nice side effect of a joke like that is the response from people who don't get it, making the original joke even funnier.

Originally posted by Tarquin

I've submitted probably over 400 pics total (in 5 or 6 years on this site) of which maybe 60 made it. Probably less, though.

I'm really sorry about that.

No need to feel sorry there Tarq, if my math is right (math isn't my strong point), you and I are separated by about 2 and a half or so photos per-cent wise. So my advice to you is to submit less to get more approved.

If my math is right.

Which is pretty rare.

You really don't want me doing your taxes.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by tiredeyes

I really meant go through the whole queue as one entity but only be allowed to delete pro/watermarked as an example of how to control the volunteers actions, so if theres issues like "my personal stash was mass deleted" its only the WBW Crew your looking at, there must be a way of throwing people at it, in order to have the queue sorted down to just a four-figure amount even, you could double the amount of "queue sorters" maybe through volunteers, like a spring clean team.

It's just I've seen this "feedback" lots of times and it doesn't seem to have been addressed as feedback, more like "it's just members moaning".

That's something i like.... he comes with solutions / options.... no mod has done that in this topic yet! It doens't matter if it's a good option, but it's good to think about it and discuss the options instead of saying whe shouldn't moan..... they should make you mod haha!
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Pimpaliciouszzz


That's something i like.... he comes with solutions / options.... no mod has done that in this topic yet! It doens't matter if it's a good option, but it's good to think about it and discuss the options instead of saying whe shouldn't moan..... they should make you mod haha!

Actually, that's been recommended before. Recently I recommended it, and found out that I was just one in a loooong line of many that did the same thing before me.

It was pointed out to me that what would then happen is that "anyone who volunteered" and who wasn't associated with the site (had no legitimate purpose or responsibility) would be getting access to copyrighted photos, underage photos and other photos that really should only be seen by the staff out of concerns for liability.

Upon thinking that one over, I found I was like all the others that came before me. I had no good answer as to how to address that.

Realistically the only good answer I've seen proposed is to add more mods, but as the powers that be have pointed out many times, the people that work here are volunteers, are often careless, sometimes drunk, and they can be a handful even though they're trying to help because they can delete entire sections of the uploads by mistake.

The volunteers have to be closely managed, and there simply isn't enough crew to do that.

Besides, I'm confident that even if they accepted volunteers to do that kind of stuff, most would peter out after just a few pictures - having been more work to put into the volunteer category than was gotten back out of them.

Nah, I think the Crew has a legitimate point here. Until they can figure out a way to manage a greater number of pic mods, we kind of just need to accept it as the way it goes, appreciate the site for how wonderful it is, and hope that a reasonable solution presents itself down the line.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by tiredeyes

I really meant go through the whole queue as one entity but only be allowed to delete pro/watermarked as an example of how to control the volunteers actions, so if theres issues like "my personal stash was mass deleted" its only the WBW Crew your looking at, there must be a way of throwing people at it, in order to have the queue sorted down to just a four-figure amount even, you could double the amount of "queue sorters" maybe through volunteers, like a spring clean team.

It's just I've seen this "feedback" lots of times and it doesn't seem to have been addressed as feedback, more like "it's just members moaning".

i love the actual suggestion for something helpful, youre right.... its mostly just members AND mods moaning. dont think that mods cant moan with the fucking best of them

(yeah... if you think this member moaning is bad you should see the mod moaning i get through PM all the time )

i understand your suggestion but i still feel like its a waste of time. in reality there are only a couple of mods who can actually work in the "delete queue" and have any capabilities to do any kind of 'mass deleting'..... however since everyone is currently on the development site all pics mods are able to test out this function to "make sure its working well". ill be the first to say im not in agreement with every mod being able to do that but under normal circumstances regular picture mods can only mod one picture at a time :P

so after knowing this.... you see i would have to give this "2nd category" of mods that only delete pro/watermarked pictures the access to the delete queue.... and if i dont trust this 2nd category enough to be a regular picture mod and APPROVE pictures then im certainly not going to give trust them with delete queue rights.
Lvl 11
Although I'm sure I'm wasting my time, here's a couple more BB's that can rattle around in that space between your ears.

1) Quoting is fairly simply, you just add your new text OUTSIDE the (REPLY) (/REPLY) code

2) There are about 20 people that can approve pics. You do not know who approved that pic, or even whether the mod is still a mod.

BTW, you know those 9 movies in your queue? They're not there anymore.
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